Friday, September 16, 2011

Near Field Communication

Near field communication, or NFC, allows for simplified transactions, data exchange, and wireless connections between two devices in close proximity to each other. Co-invented by NXP Semiconductors and Sony in 2002, NFC technology is being added to a growing number of mobile handsets to enable mobile payments.

The Near Field Communication Forum (NFC Forum) formed in 2004 promotes sharing, pairing, and transactions between NFC devices and develops and certifies device compliance with NFC standards.

NFC devices can read NFC tags to get more information or an audio or video presentation. NFC can share a contact, photo, song, application, or video.

Uses of NFC:

It is used in Social Networking to instantly share a contact, photo, video or a url.

It expands eCommerce opportunities increases transaction speed and accuracy which in turn increases productivity.

An NFC device may make a payment like a credit card by touching a payment terminal at checkout or a vending machine when a PIN is entered.

Tap an NFC device to purchase rail, metro, airline, movie, concert, or event tickets.

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